Cypress Creek Renewables: Committed to a Better, Cleaner World
Cypress Creek Renewables is powering a sustainable future, one project at a time. We develop, finance, own, and operate renewable energy projects across the nation. Since 2014, we have developed 12 gigawatts of renewable energy, enough to power 4.8 million homes, including approximately 75 projects in the Northeast alone.
We have a rich history of partnering and collaborating with municipalities, residents, civic organizations, environmental advocates, businesses, and others to ensure that our projects are responsive to the needs of each community we serve.
Where We Are Developing Projects
- 12GW of solar energy projects and 195.5MWs of storage projects developed to date.
- Nearly 70 projects developed in New York.
- 25GW+ pipeline of solar and battery storage across the country.
- 400MW pipeline of battery storage in New York.
- Diversified experience with both transmission and community solar as well as storage.
- 2.2GW portfolio spanning 217 projects, 14 states.
- Long-term owner mindset
O&M Services
- Services for internal fleet and third-party customers.
- 4.7GW of projects under contract. State-of-the-art NERC-registered Control Center with 24/7/365 operations and monitoring.
- Business services including warranty administration and compliance.
About Kalmia Energy Storage
Kalmia Energy Storage is a 50-megawatt energy storage system being developed by Cypress Creek Renewables. The project will be located in Brookhaven, New York and connect to a nearby substation.
At present, we tentatively anticipate that the project will be operational by 2030. Once complete, the project can provide enough energy for approximately 20,000 New York homes for 4-hours. Once the power hits the grid, electrons flow to the point of least resistance, often the closest destination, meaning that the project will support local and regional power needs.
Battery Storage: An Old Idea With a Modern Twist
We have long relied on batteries to deliver power when other sources were unavailable. Today, batteries are so integrated into our daily lives that we have become unaware of our reliance on stored energy. Yet, whenever we power up our laptop at our local cafe or call a friend to catch up, we count on batteries to do the job.
Battery energy storage systems harness this same general type of technology but on a greater scale. Rows of small lithium-ion batteries are placed into larger capsules called modules. These modules are subsequently stacked inside larger container units and connected to the existing electric grid.
Once operational, the battery storage system charges during times of energy abundance, storing power and releasing it back onto the electric grid during times of high demand, helping to ensure that power is available for residents and businesses when needed most.
Modular Rack
Battery Module
Temperature Regulation Pipe
Temperature Regulation System
Why This Location?
- New York has ambitious climate goals, targeting a 100% emissions reduction by 2040. To meet that objective, energy storage will need to be part of the solution.
- High and growing demand for power in the region supports the need for local energy infrastructure to ensure reliability today and support the integration of more renewable resources tomorrow.
- The proposed site is well-chosen, meeting practical considerations such as sufficient available flat land, access to electrical infrastructure, and minimal projected impact on native habitats, wetlands, or other environmental concerns.
- The proposed site is industrially zoned.
How a Battery Storage System Works
Operation and Use of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
Battery energy storage systems efficiently and conveniently capture electricity so that it can be used when it’s most needed.
Battery Units
A grid-connected battery storage system consists of batteries, racks for the batteries, communications equipment, and safety features.
Power Conversion System (PCS)
Includes inverters that convert DC energy to AC energy and communications equipment that allow the system to be monitored 24/7.
Power Grid
Power Grid where electrons can be charged and discharged adding reliability and resiliency to your local power grid and community.
Building a Stronger Brookhaven
Creating Job Opportunities in Suffolk County
Kalmia Energy Storage is estimated to create roughly 60 local construction-related job opportunities for a period of roughly 18 months, as well as 20 additional indirect and induced positions for Suffolk County businesses during the pendency of construction. We approximate that these positions will create an estimated $15 million in wages and benefits for local workers over the course of their employment.
Creating Benefits for Brookhaven
Kalmia Energy Storage will deliver millions in total combined economic investment over the project’s lifetime. This additional funding can play an important role in helping support local and regional priorities. These numbers are not abstract but represent real benefits for real people - supporting a better, stronger Brookhaven and Suffolk County.
Helping to Keep the Lights On and Costs Lower
Kalmia Energy Storage will provide the ability to capture energy in times of abundance for use in times of high demand and scarcity, making the electric grid more reliable, resilient, and flexible while reducing costly and inconvenient power losses. Since batteries charge when energy is most available and, therefore, generally cheaper, storage projects also promote lower long-term energy costs. These savings are reflected in the wholesale energy market and can be passed along to consumers. At the same time, battery projects also help mitigate short-term energy spikes that arise during peak demand by releasing energy back onto the grid when the energy supply is low and, more generally, by increasing the overall supply of available energy on the electric grid.
More Information
A key part of New York's energy future
- New York has long been a national leader in the transition to a new, clean energy future, and for good reason. From rising sea levels that jeopardize coastal communities, to ever-more frequent and powerful storms that wreak havoc on our daily lives, to changing weather patterns that impact crop production, causing increases in food prices, the risks posed by an ever-deteriorating climate are both real and significant. Yet the path to a more sustainable future is both long and difficult.
- We need more clean energy resources, and we need them now. But the hard truth is that renewable resources are intermittent by nature: the wind doesn’t always blow, and the sun doesn’t always shine. No matter how many wind and solar projects we build, we can only complete the clean energy transition once we find ways to turn renewable energy into on-demand power. Battery energy storage systems are an essential part of the solution – helping enable a 100% clean future by ensuring that energy remains available to power our daily lives even when clean energy production is impossible.
- Kalmia Storage supports the transition to a new clean energy future by maximizing the utility of intermittent renewable resources like wind and solar, facilitating their long-term integration, and providing a path to 100% clean energy. As a result, the project will help eliminate the need to rely on older, dirtier energy-generating facilities in the long run as more renewables come online over time.
Battery storage projects make good neighbors
Plenty of misinformation exists about battery energy storage facilities, yet the truth is that storage projects do make good community neighbors.
- The Kalmia Storage project will put little strain on existing community resources, generate no significant ongoing traffic during operation, generate neither ground nor air pollution during normal operations, and in the rare event of a battery fire, potential impacts remain highly localized.
- As a condition of permit approval, battery storage projects must undergo rigorous environmental scrutiny to ensure that any impact on wetlands, native species, or other environmental considerations is properly mitigated.
- Battery storage facilities also have relatively low height profiles that are not easily visible from most locations.
Safety first, last, and always
We understand concerns about the safety of battery storage facilities. However, while battery safety incidents tend to be high profile events, the truth is that they are rare.
- Where incidents have occurred, there has been no reported injuries in the U.S. outside the project boundaries, as emissions dissipate quickly over short distances and are unlikely to extend more than 100 feet under normal weather conditions.
- This is also, in large part, due to the fact that battery storage facilities must undergo rigorous safety testing and be equipped with a range of state-of-the-art technology to prevent, mitigate, and respond to potential fire safety incidents.
- Safety technology includes smoke, gas, and fire detectors; internal cooling systems; fire suppression systems; ventilation systems; deflagration panels; auxiliary power; waterproof containers; and remote monitoring and shutdown capabilities.
- Moreover, our batteries are sourced exclusively from Tier 1 suppliers with the best safety track records. Emergency response plans are developed before the first shovel hits the ground, and training is provided to local first responders. Technicians service the site routinely, and Cypress Creek provides municipalities with a dedicated fire-safety support contact.
- Nevertheless, out of an abundance of caution, Cypress Creek engaged an independent, third party to analyze any potential safety concerns. The results confirm no anticipated impact outside the project boundary in the rare case that a safety incident does occur.
Battery Storage Container Unit Depicting Key Safety Features
A. Deflagration Panel
B. Combustable Gas Detector
C. Smoke Detector
D. Temperature Detector
E. Exhaust Fan
F. PCS internal aerosol
G. Multiple-layer water spray
H. Gaseous media fire-extinguishing device
Held to nationally recognized standards
Energy storage systems are considered critical electrical infrastructure and are held to standards such as the National Fire Protection Association’s Standard 855 and numerous Underwriter Laboratories (UL) standards, including 9540A testing and Standard 9540 manufacturing standards for Energy Storage Systems. They also must comply with the 2021 International Fire Code and the U.S. National Electric Code.
We Want to Hear From You!
We believe the best projects come from working with the local community to meet each community’s unique needs. We are dedicated to addressing your questions and making good-faith efforts to resolve points of concern. Please complete the form below to sign up for project updates, submit a question, provide project feedback, or agree to add your name to our list of project supporters!
We strive to respond to all messages within two business days.